Balltze, affectionately known as "Cheems," was a Shiba Inu dog who became an internet sensation, particularly within the meme community. Born on January 9, 2011, in Hong Kong, Balltze gained widespread recognition for his iconic, slightly awkward, and quizzical facial expression. The expression made him an instant favorite for meme creators, who began using his image to convey humorous and relatable content, often involving the misspelling of words in a cutesy, childlike way.

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Balltze's journey to internet fame began in 2017 when a photo of him sitting with a concerned or confused look on his face was shared online.

This image quickly caught the attention of meme creators, who found it perfect for expressing feelings of awkwardness, confusion, or a sense of not quite fitting in. The connection between Cheems and Doge lies in their shared breed—Shiba Inu—and their complementary meme personas. Together, they became two of the most iconic dogs on the internet, often appearing in memes side by side, with Doge's enthusiastic optimism contrasting with Cheems' slightly awkward and shy demeanor.

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Balltze, or Cheems, remains a testament to the power of the internet in transforming everyday moments into cultural phenomena and highlights the unique way in which animals, particularly dogs, can become symbols of shared human experiences online.

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